As-Built Drawing Services

Silicon Engineering Consultants prepares detailed and error-free As-built drawings for construction projects. SiliconEC caters to global builders, architects, contractors, and engineering consultant clients' demands, offering as-built drawings for residential, commercial, infrastructure, healthcare, industrial, and public sectors.

As-built drawings, also known as record drawings, represent the visualization of a building's existing conditions right after installation or erection. As-built drawings provide the blueprint for future reference. It helps to compare the actual construction condition with the design plan. The final drawing includes all the adjustments and improvements to the construction drawings.

The final document of Detailed As-Built Drawings comprises :

  • Accurate dimensions and changes in design layout
  • Issues identified and recommendations given
  • Materials used and placement of utility or infrastructure
  • Size, location, and details of doors, windows, and plumbing design
  • Project closure and handover documentation
  • Layout and specifications of property elements
  • Keeping a record of useful resources at every stage of the structure’s development
  • Information about leasing, regulations, and endorsements

As-built drawing documentation takes place post-construction and is helpful for stakeholders to improve coordination and assist in facility maintenance, repairs, and geometrical changes. Our drafting team develops comprehensive blueprints, including all elements of the model and their attributes such as material type, measurement, scale, and operations in architectural, structural, electrical, or mechanical fields.

With the help of advanced software, As-built can be transformed into required formats, such as.dwg and.dgn. SiliconEC As-Built Drawing services include a markup to As-Built Drawing, 3D modeling, 2D floor plans, topographic surveys, and point cloud surveys.

Why Are As-Built Drawings Useful For Project Stakeholders?

  • It provides support documentation for insurance policies and legal concerns.
  • It helps in identifying the cause of any inconsistency or gap.
  • It helps the construction team overcome onsite obstacles and provides exact measurements for the final design.
  • It favors remodeling and assists in restorations.

Work Samples

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